Legal statement

As the operator of the official website of Anwo Bio, Changchun Anwo Hi tech Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Anwo Bio") is well aware of the importance of personal information to you. Anwo Bio will take corresponding security protection measures according to the requirements of laws and regulations to try its best to protect the security and controllability of your personal information. Formulate this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") and remind you:

Before using the products or services on the official website of Anwo Bio, you must carefully read and thoroughly understand this policy, and use the relevant products or services after confirming that you fully understand and agree. Once you click to confirm, actually purchase or start to use various products or services on the official website of Anwo Biological Data through the web page, it means that you have fully understood and agreed to this policy and agree that Anwo Biological collects, uses, stores, transmits, shares and transfers your personal information in accordance with this policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the contents of this policy, you can contact Anwo Bio through the official website at 0431-84523888.

Part I Definitions

The official website of Anwo Biological Data refers to the website of Changchun Anwo Hi tech Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (the domain name involved is cahtbio. com)

Personal information: refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information.

Part II Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will help you understand the following:

1. How Anwo Bio collects and uses your personal information

2. How will Anwo Bio retain your information

3. How Anwo Bio uses cookies and similar technologies

4. How to share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

5. How Anwo Bio protects your personal information

6. How to update this privacy policy

7. How to contact Anwo Bio

1、 How Anwo Bio collects and uses your personal information

Anwo Bio will collect and use your personal information for the following purposes described in this policy:

(1) Help you become a customer of Anwo Bio

In order to become a customer of Anwo Bio, so that Anwo Bio can provide you with customer service or you can freely experience Anwo Bio's Demo and view materials, you need to provide mobile phone number, contact name, email and other information. If you only need to visit the official website of Anwo Bio, you do not need to register as a customer of Anwo Bio and provide the above information.

(2) Show and push products or services for you

In order to improve the products or services of Anwo Bio and provide you with personalized email push service, if you do not want to accept the commercial advertisement sent to you by Anwo Bio, you can unsubscribe by replying to the message prompt or by other means provided by Anwo Bio.

(3) Provide you with products or services

1. Information you provided to Anwo Bio

In order to provide you with products or services of Anwo Bio, Anwo Bio will record the information you provide, such as the contact name, contact phone number, email address, etc. provided by you.

2. Information collected by Anwo Bio during your use of the service

When you contact Anwo Bio, Anwo Bio may save your communication/call records and contents or the contact information you left, so as to contact you or help you solve problems, or record the solutions and results of related problems.

(4) Other uses

When Anwo Bio uses the information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or uses the information collected for specific purposes for other purposes, it will ask for your consent in advance.

2、 How will Anwo Bio retain your information

We reserve your personal information so that you can continue to use the services provided by Anwo Bio, or meet the relevant content of this privacy clause. If it is required by law (including for tax and accounting purposes), or other needs, we will contact you in a timely manner. The length of time we retain specific personal information varies according to the purpose of use, and we will delete your personal information according to applicable laws.

3、 How Anwo Bio uses cookies and similar technologies

(1) Cookies

In order to ensure the normal and efficient operation of the website, provide you with easier access experience, and recommend to you the content you may be interested in, Anwo Bio will store relevant information on your computer or mobile device: this information may be cookies, Flash

Cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively referred to as "cookies"). Please understand that some services of Anwo Bio can only be realized by using cookies. If your browser or browser attached services allow, you can modify the acceptance of cookies or reject the cookies of Anwo Bio. However, in some cases, rejecting the cookies of Anwo Bio may affect your safe access to the website and use of the services provided by Anwo Bio.

(2) Website beacon and pixel label

In addition to cookies, Anwo Bio will also use website beacons, pixel tags and other similar technologies on the website. For example, the email sent to you by Anwo Bio may contain an address link to the content of Anwo Bio's website. If you click the link, Anwo Bio will track this click to help Anwo Bio understand your product or service preferences so that Anwo Bio can actively improve the customer service experience. If you do not want your activities to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list of Anwo Bio at any time.

4、 How to share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

(1) Share

Anwo Bio will not share your personal information with third-party companies, organizations and individuals, except for the following circumstances:

1. Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, Anwo Bio will share your personal information with other parties.

2. Sharing under legal circumstances: Anwo Bio may share your personal information according to laws and regulations, or according to the requirements of administrative and judicial authorities.

3. Sharing with authorized partners: For the purpose stated in this policy only, some services of Anwo Bio will be jointly provided by Anwo Bio and authorized partners. Anwo Bio may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. Anwo Bio will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and only share the personal information necessary for providing services. The partners of Anwo Bio have no right to use the shared personal information for other purposes unrelated to products or services.

For companies, organizations and individuals with whom Anwo Bio shares personal information, Anwo Bio will sign strict data protection agreements with them, requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with Anwo Bio's instructions, this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(2) Transfer

Anwo Bio will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except for the following circumstances:

1. Transfer with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, Anwo Bio will transfer your personal information to other parties.

2. In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, Anwo Bio will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise Anwo Bio will require the company or organization to ask for your authorization consent again.

(3) Public disclosure

Anwo Bio will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

1. With your explicit consent or based on your active choice, Anwo Bio may publicly disclose your personal information;

2. Under the mandatory requirements of laws, legal procedures, lawsuits or government authorities, Anwo Bio may publicly disclose your personal information.

(4) Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization for sharing, transferring and public disclosure of personal information

Under the following circumstances, sharing, transferring and public disclosure of your personal information do not require your prior authorization and consent:

1. Related to national security and national defense security;

2. Related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

3. Those related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4. In order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my consent;

5. Your personal information disclosed to the public;

6. Collect personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

According to the law, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing personal information that has been de identified, and ensuring that the data receiver can not recover and re identify the subject of personal information, does not belong to the external sharing, transferring, and public disclosure of personal information, and the storage and processing of such data will not require additional notice to you and your consent.

5、 How can Anwo Bio protect your personal information security

(1) Anwo Bio has taken reasonable and feasible security measures in line with industry standards to protect the security of the personal information you provide and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of personal information. For example, when exchanging data (such as credit card information) between your browser and server, SSL (Secure Socket)

Layer) protocol encryption protection; At the same time, Anwo Bio provides HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) protocol security browsing mode for Anwo bio data official website; Anwo Bio will use encryption technology to improve the security of personal information.

(2) Anwo Bio has an advanced data security management system with data as the core and around the data life cycle, which can improve the security of the whole system in terms of organizational construction, system design, personnel management, product technology and other aspects.

(3) In the event of a personal information security incident, Anwo Bio will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures that Anwo Bio has taken or will take, suggestions that you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. Anwo Bio will take reasonable and effective measures to timely release the relevant information of the incident. At the same time, Anwo Bio will also actively report the disposition of personal information security incidents according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

6、 Change of Anwo Biological Privacy Statement

We may update this privacy statement from time to time to reflect changes in our data governance practices. The revised privacy statement will be published here, and the revision date will be updated. We recommend that you regularly check for any changes or updates. If we make significant changes to the privacy statement, we will issue a 30 day notice at the top of this page. Continuing to use our website after the amendment takes effect will make us think that you have read and understood these changes.

7、 How to contact Anwo Bio

If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions, you can contact Anwo Bio through the following ways:

Tel.: 0431-84523888

This privacy statement will take effect on February 11, 2022

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